The ugly face of technology: 10 helpful techniques turned evil!

Of the truism that technology is not good or bad in itself, but it's all due to the way we use. The same techniques that can provide privacy and protection for the people who live under repressive governments, can be tapped to manage the transfers are illegal! And the same knowledge that scientists aspires to be used in order to face the next pandemic can also be exploited to the work of a deadly biological weapons. Tells Marc Goodman security expert and founder of Future Crimes Institute that "the first technology known to humans was probably the fire, which was able to cook the food for you and make you feel warmth or be burned neighboring you to the village," and the difference now, as he says that the rate of technical change and technological development very quickly to the point it has become easier for people to use the technology for good or evil.

The following lines in a range of innovations have been designed and developed to make the world a better place, but in the end turned out to harm and ruin tool.

 Zyklon B

This name is best known for being a deadly poison used by the Nazis in their own camps and killing millions of people who lost their lives where, but Zyklon B was originally just an insecticide and disinfectant against germs! The active ingredient in Zyklon B is hydrogen cyanide was used Germany as a chemical weapon in the First World War. When was the development of Zyklon B in the late twenties of the twentieth century, the composition includes a warning smell so that it can be used safely and became famous for the control of pests of agricultural crops and used as a means to get rid of lice found in clothing by the US Department of Immigration, especially in the period of the thirties during Roads the spread of disease and typhoid are still some types of this chemical compound sold to now in the Czech Republic.

Three-dimensional printing
Many technical statures three-printing was considered dimensions spark the second Industrial Revolution; The ability to print tri "anything" materially significant dimensions as long as have the appropriate design and triple Printer dimensions is really amazing and transcends the roof of expectations and human aspirations to penetrate the boundaries of impossible, until now used printers three-dimensional in the provision of human organs can be grown, such as the face and ear and jaw bones and even the skull, as three-dimensional printers used in the manufacture of full houses and there are many problems facing the space travel and living there been solved thanks to the three-dimensional printing! But the same technology that was used to best condition all of the above and many others also used in lethal weapons industry can not even trace, or control. It started when an organization called the distributor Defense Defense Distributed video in which the first three-dimensional pistol in May of last year shows published; and despite the fact that the organization had removed the pistol designs on its website shortly after the pretext of commitment and complying with the laws of the sale and production of weapons, but it is not difficult for us imagine someone strong note or has the ability to design and planning that this technique is used in the day for the bank robbery or murder someone.


Perhaps the dynamite story familiar to most of us because of the famous inventor Alfred Nobel and the prize which has devoted her fortune to atone what became him if his invention! The objective of Alfred Nobel, his invention of dynamite in the foundation is to use strong as explosives for the mining, buildings and digging tunnels trains more easily by using the material Alentroglsrin explosive in its stable because they are very serious in their non-sedentary; but soon turned the ease of use that and the abundance of material Alentroglsrin Dynamite to a deadly weapon, however, all those who wish to expose others to harm, and in terrorist operations for ease of workmanship and preparation of simple chemicals.

Tor Browser

Tor is an acronym for The Onion Router, a router was developed in 2002 and works to redirect the data online so difficult to trace and identify users by removing the usual digital effect that was used to trace users. This tool was a great boon for the activity around the world the likes of Edward Snaudin owner leaks months at all and famous on behalf of WikiLeaks.

Since 2004 to 2005 The draft Tor full support of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Foundation Knight Foundation. But next to those big feature added by the project to users' privacy It also provides a safe haven for criminals to hide their criminal activities! Thanks to the spread of such software illegal activities of various Internet such as drug and arms trade and other things, and came up sites can not be accessed only through the Tor Browser, making track down those criminals process very difficult.

 Tab - machines Tabulating Machine
Tab or round machines is electromechanical machines have been designed in order to summarize and organize information and calculations and statistics. Invented by Herman Hollerith in 1884 and was a machine adopts the cards perforated Punched Cards a first technologies that appeared to store information and keep them (in electromechanical and not the letter) and brought about a revolution at the time, and is considered the beginning of the era of computing and computer in which we live today. The purpose of the machine is to be used by the US Census Bureau for the annual census of the population, it has contributed to get the job done in one year instead of eight years as was the case before they appear! Herman then established his own company to manufacture those machines and that we know today as IBM.

In 1930 the IBM's across the main branch in Germany to supply the Third Reich these machines, which were used for the work of Statistics (NBS) for citizens in Germany, which allowed the Nazi government to know and identify the Jews and the Romans and other minorities easily and arrested in order to get rid of them.

Phosgene gas - Phosgene

This gas has no color, which is a chemical compound produced from the reaction of chlorine with carbon monoxide, which is a fundamental building block in the health and pharmaceutical organic compounds and pharmaceutical industries. In fact, not for the name of any relationship components, The name is derived from the Greek words for the birth of light; The reason for the label to the British discovered when John Davy Showing a mixture of carbon monoxide and chlorine to the sun and got this on phosgene gas. Next to what already has been the use of this gas in World War I as a weapon as deadly chemical was used also by Japan's Imperial Army in Italy and several different wars.

Google Earth program

Google has caused a revolution in the world as usual, thanks to my service Google Maps and Google Earth maps famous private. Who among us has not used Google Maps to search for an address, and we did not use Google Earth to enjoy the wonderful scenery from the sky to somewhere ?!

Of course these services and information have great benefit for the people and is also useful for criminals and terrorists, as has happened in the attack on the city of Mumbai in 2008 when he used the criminals of those services in order to identify their targets carefully and planning to carry out the attack; prompting the Indian government to ask Google to the blocking some pictures the important of services and areas after a case against it! In Britain, the use of Google Earth to investigate and search for the roofs of churches that have metal thieves so that they can later stolen and sold on the black market!

 Remote Access - Remote Access Tools Tools

Remote access many different tools, we are talking here about the tools used in computers, which allows systems managers and officials of the Technical Support limited access and control a remote device in order to solve the problem they face, instead of going to them to your device. It was not a lot of time on the backs of these tools to become a favorite of hackers, who have been able to reach thanks to your files and control the important things in your device, such as camera and microphone. You can learn more about ways to exploit these vulnerabilities by hackers through this article.

Biotechnology - Biotechnology

In today's world, no longer tools and experiences of life sciences monopoly on major laboratories! Valium can become those who have sufficient knowledge to do vital industrial experience in their garage! And the cost of the tools and ingredients are not Balhi which makes it impossible. There are large institutions that provide places and laboratories equipped for collective action of enthusiastic and interested parties who have no place or money.

But do experiments vitality at home garage also has other consequences, such as anthrax attack in 2001 which resulted in time for the five deaths but disturbing here is that repeated at any time and any place not Balhi difficult or unexpected! The control of this phenomenon eventually become elusive and began its negative effects on the horizon, such as what happened with the influenza virus vaccines, which resulted in other new viruses are more dangerous than the flu virus itself Research.


For decades I imagined films scientific robots imagination or robots in the independent agencies obedient serve humans and is keen to comfort; and today our part may actually verify this prophecy we have become robots perform various functions on our behalf, ranging from cleaning floors, through to robots that make cars and aircraft! But we can not lose sight of the other important fact, which is that the robots kill humans too! We find this represented in the unmanned aircraft which bombed cities and people from over their heads in various parts of the earth today. And we find represented in the secret governments that aims to develop the killing machines resembling humans do not know mercy or discrimination research, so much so that the United Nations has called for a ban on such research and murder in the bud what would result from the catastrophic effects in the future; but of course nobody listened!

What we have to mention, not only a number of techniques that turned Asthaddamtna of beneficial to harmful. The technology and the science just is driven by our desires and our intentions tools, and if we look closely at any invention or innovation, we will find that in fact is just a tool that can be used for good or evil, as determined by our desires and our choices.

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