California Condor, is one of the largest bird in America

It is the eagle of the New World vulture and the largest bird capable of flying in the North American continent. Condors home to this northern Arizona and southern Utah Mtdmenten Great Valley National Park and Zion, as well as the mountains of central and southern coastal California, and Northern Baja California, Mexico. California Condor is the only kind of sex is currently living Gamnoguebs, despite the fact that there are other types before historic him.
This bird animal Qmam, feeds on large amounts of carrion. Feathers, black, punctuated by white lines on the underside of the wing, and the head is bald, and his skin color ranges from gray when young birds to yellow and bright orange when adult. It makes giant sold its wings and of 3 meters from the largest birds of North America at all, and the weight of 12 kilos roughly equivalent swans blare between the original North American birds weight. It also is one of the most birds Tamiera, as old up to 60 years.

Californian condor chicks require between 5 and 6 years are of Bryce Albwalg stained, her life begins to turn opaque feathers colored blades after each annual launch. Tantdj these are very slow, and the hatched rate is too slow, do not reproduce until after reached its sixth year, and the female lays only one egg every two years, but it puts the other removed first, but removed this also puts a third,

Scientists have been alerted to this property Fastgloha even multiply captive birds.
The number of California Condor declined dramatically during the twentieth century, as a result of a number of reasons most notably illegal fishing and lead poisoning and destruction of the natural environment but saving scheme launched by the United States government succeeded in families of all the individuals ethnic and twenty remaining of it in the wild in 1987, and was re-bred in my garden animal San Diego and Los Angeles. Bird numbers rebounded after the re-propagation in

captivity, and was brought in to the wild for the first time in 1991, where dozens of birds were released in a few locations west of the United States, such as the northern Baja California. But with that still is California Condor is one of the rarest bird species in the world. In the month of December of the year 2011 there was not him only 390 birds, including 210 in the wild, then the number slightly increased by May of 2012 to reach 405 birds, including 226 in the wild. California Condor has great importance in the culture of Native Americans, and has an important role in many of the old myths.

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