Since the dawn of mankind, and man tries to understand the universe and its phenomena that have long been a challenge for people to understand they made their goal and they dedicated their lives, and Bakdilhm Mdarkina and expanded our knowledge over the years. All that we know today about the universe and its phenomena we know thanks to the astronomers who have concluded many discoveries about the nature of the universe and the nature of many of the phenomena related to the planet we live upon efforts Below recognize the 10-month astronomers in the West throughout history.
Brahe, Tycho
Brahe, Tycho (1546-1601 AD). Danish astronomer, developed a method to observe the planets and stars, and stressed the importance of these observations on the basis of the organization. Use Brahe astrolabe and quarterly estimate orbs sites because the telescope (the telescope) had not yet been invented, and has revealed his observations of the movement of the stars, that second-hand tables at the time to predict the stars locations were inaccurate, and helped his view of the supernova (supernova super glow) in 1572 to set aside the idea the old argument that it can not be a change in the heavens beyond the orbit Aalghemr.o has refused, like other scientists Copernicus's theory of the solar system. According to this theory, the earth and other planets revolve around the sun. Use Brahe mental logic, he said if the earth revolves around the sun, Fbasttaath to measure changes in the positions of stars caused by the movement of the earth. Brahe did not realize that these changes are very small so that it can not be detected by instruments. However, the data Brahe from his observations enabled later Johannes Kepler, German astronomer and mathematician, that confirms the theory of Copernicus.
Edwin Hubble
Hubble was born in Missouri in 1889 and his family moved to Chicago in 1898 where he was a diligent student in high school there without being distinctive. What more to attract attention to it was destroyed after the athletic abilities record in the high jump for the state of Illinois, as it was an elite athlete in the basketball team at the University of Chicago. And won a scholarship to study law at Oxford, and spent a short time there before returning to the United States scheduled for the future in the study of astronomy, and has played in the early twenties an important role in determining the nature of galaxies. It was known that some spirochetes nebular features a star without that there is a consensus among scientists about whether these small groups of stars in our galaxy, or whether a separate galaxies is not smaller than the size of our galaxy, but much farther away, and proved in 1929 The galaxies are moving away from us at speeds proportional to the distance that separates them, the explanation is simple with it revolutionary: the universe is expanding.
William Herschel
William Herschel astronomer English born in Germany in 1738 and has been musically talented thousand twenty-four Symphony, and as a youngster, led by his love of music to mathematics, which led him this interest in mathematics to astronomy where he has done a systematic survey and an integrated view of the sky as the job telescopes (observer) a huge order to help him in his research. Where he spent considerable time looks to the sky through Tlscobath, and as a result of his research in the year 1781 Herschel discovered the planet Uranus was he was at the time had reached forty-three years. This planet was known at first as "Georgiom Saydos" a planet seventh in terms of its distance from the sun and Herschel had called as well as the name of King George III and is now called Uranus's name as Herschel discovered in the year 1787 two of the moons of Uranus called them my name Titania and Oobron . Also discovered moons of Saturn (Saturn) and two seventh and sixth in the year 1789.
Nicolaus Copernicus
Born in Poland in 1473 and was credited in the output of Europe from the ages of ignorance and darkness, where he lived at a time when the church controlled everything in people's lives, even their own ideas about the universe and the origin of life, and despite the fact that Copernicus began his priest in the city of Frombork However, it soon theological idea that the earth is the center of the universe and that the sun and other planets revolve around it, but the church as an "infidel" while he considered the nature and astronomers pioneer and owner of a new intellectual revolution viewer. It is true that many of the philosophers, the Greeks were going the same doctrine in the vision of the universe, but Copernicus scientific basis for the development of objective study to prove this, so that considered the idea in the understanding of the relationship between the movement of the sun and the Earth, the idea of a coup, led to a pathway to change the greatest believed in him people concept at the time, and it is fixed and the sun and other planets revolve around the earth, as people understand the Bible.
Charles Messier
Charles Messier French astronomer who was the sole obsession discovery for the study of comets and Madaradtha.o on August 28 in 1758 and when he was looking for comets, the world, "Messier" found a small cloud in the constellation Taurus stood up to monitor the "cloud" that proved to him that she is not guilty, which caused him bewilderment at what this thing that he sees, and in following the world, "Messier" and his colleagues to prepare a catalog or index includes 110 of the nebulae and galaxies and clusters stellar start all of the letter M, and this wonderful index may include more than one hundred of the sky objects deep, including nebulae and galaxies, also succeeded in discovering thirteen guilty.
Galileo Galilei
Of the most famous astronomers, angered the church and was sentenced to death is the price of his theory that changed the history of astronomy, which preceded it, Copernicus, has achieved numerous scientific achievements and famously invented the astronomical telescope, he was a philosopher and physicist and mathematician and astronomer, and play a role in the revolution scientific, and achievements of the improvements to the telescope and astronomical observations and ongoing support for the idea of a central sun, and had the title of many of the titles most notably Abu Abu Alvezaa modern and modern science.
Hipparchus, an astronomical dating back to ancient Greece, and comes second in this list, where it is believed widely to be the greatest astronomer of antiquity, Hipparchus could easily look at him as a father, the founder of astronomy. The most important contribution in the field of astronomy is the first index of the Star, adding gloss and the location of each of them, and have been using this catalog at a later time on a large scale by Ptolemy in his astronomical. Other significant contributions to the results of the positions and movements of the moon and the sun.
Johannes Kepler
The founder of modern astronomy, Kepler was born in 1571 and lived a life full of unrestricted travel because of his Protestant doctrine and the movement to oppose the Protestant Reformation in the ranks of Catholics, and suffered from bad luck often, as he could not in many times to make a living, and has two children Monday, well Ayesh Kepler disasters thirty years' war (1618-1648) before his death in 1630. he authored many books and worked with astronomer Danish known as Tycho Brahe, which allowed him to use observatories and doing his research, and is considered laws that describe the orbits of the planets around the sun, and away from Alwithagorsah conventional theories and discoveries as well as an extension of the research and discoveries of Copernicus.
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson
In the year of 0.1965 enable researchers Flakian two Arno Benzias Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, Robert Wilson, incidentally discovered a form of radiation has not been noticeable until then this is known as radiation as "Radiation cosmic background" cosmological background radiation ", did not resemble anything coming from anywhere else in the universe because it was identical unusually as it was not concentrated in one place and did not know that has a specific source, instead, it was evenly distributed everywhere and soon scientists realized that this radiation is a remnant of the Big Bang, and in in 1978, he was awarded Penzias and Wilson the Nobel Prize of the importance of their discovery, which came at a time when there was still a great deal of controversy about whether the big Bang actually happened, and had to pay their discovery of this pro astronomers to the theory of the case fixed-to be abandoned altogether.
Ptolemy astronomer Egyptian Grecian origin as it was geographically and mathematician of Greek origin, lived from 90-168 m, put Ptolemy wrote frequent in astronomy, geography, sports, optics, but His main astronomical The book (Almagest), which is a summary Astronomy who was known in that era, loosely based on the astronomical information by his predecessors and (Almagest) invaluable book, as it provides the final status of astronomy until the sixteenth century, and thanks to him gained Ptolemy legendary status in the history of astronomy, and had built this book on astronomical observations in Alexandria, whether done by himself, or what he inherited from his predecessors, and it suffered several topics astronomical such as: the length of the year and the movement of the sun, the universe, and the length of the month, and the distance between the sun and the earth, and solar and lunar eclipses, and the movements of the planets and dimensions of the earth , the last of those astronomical topics.
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