Great pictures to the world of magic and mysterious fungus

Many of the people Fitr small objects, ugly and toxic, but in fact is a fungus a beautiful world and a wonderful stunningly waiting to be explored. Enjoy today with scenes taken from the world so enthusiastic photographers lens, you'll find that these objects are far from those that you see in your food dish.

 Fitr is the part of the apparent fruitful and fungi, and the name is associated with a specific type of fungus which is characterized by Agaricales where this kind stems and top hat or hood resembling the gills or slots help them to reproduce and spread.

Mushrooms is a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin B, and a good source of various metals such as copper, potassium, selenium, and it is characterized by very low content of fat and Alkebouhadarat. At the same time, a lot of types of fungus produces a secondary components are toxic to humans, but the number which may cause death a few of them.

Mushrooms are also used in the medical field, and in 2014 many of the studies that examine the possibility of the use of mushrooms in the treatment of serious illnesses such as cancer and Aljlakoma and vascular disease began, as can also be used in dyeing wool and natural fibers.

The fungus also mentioned the product of fungi that belongs to them, and extend its network related to the vast areas under and above the ground, there is a mushroom colony area extends to 9 square kilometers, almost a year old B2400 is estimated, so according to the definition of the word "organism" We can say that the colony is the largest living organisms in the world.

Mushrooms other than plants (belongs to the kingdom of fungi) does not need sunlight to produce energy and food, so he activates frequently during the night. Recent studies indicate that the fungus can be used as an antidote to the bacteria and inflammation as an antioxidant, helping to reduce blood pressure and equation of blood sugar and reduce cholesterol and strengthen the immune system and fight certain types of cancer.

Is a water 90% of mushrooms, most user-Fitr by humans are grown in an industrial environment, the most famous of all is the white type, accounting for 90% of the mushroom consumption in the United States and called Crimini and the kind that immediately followed is Portobello. China alone produces more than 50% of cultivated for human consumption in the world mushrooms.

There are 30 species at least of mushrooms can glows in the dark through a chemical process vital known as bioluminescence, where through which the luminous means of production known as foxfire, have humans used in ancient times to use these types of lighting their way in the night forest, and I think the ancient Egyptians that the fungus grows by magic because of his dazzling at night.

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