In Norway: book a cottage special place of inspiration and stimulate creativity

If you want to recharge the creative spirits and you must fined hut little book

The architectural design company in Oslo JVA designed this cottage, and despite the fact that the cottage does not seem like an extraordinary building from the outside, but inside it's a different story altogether:

There is this cottage in a private garden and extends over an area of ​​15 square meters on the wedge-shaped, and the façade of wood painted black glossy, the book seems hut small and narrow deceptively when you see the front facade, but once you open the doors, you'll find yourself amid wide expanse and lit, open the external area of ​​the hut through the northern facade has a glass-covered completely, as this glass wall constitutes a framework overlooking the forest and plant adjacent train, making the perfect place to inspire writers believe naturally, and besides the writing desk is designed to be long and made of glass so as not to a barrier limiting the views of the author.

Featuring the hut openings glass allows natural light to enter the interior space of the hut, it is also working to provide a visual contrast with a color-Turabi dark design in home advantage, which features wooden walls, dark brown and Asaleya color, herbal color carpets, long sheep hair cover subject on the chair reading and bedding on the upper floor, balcony and can be accessed by a wooden staircase serves the storage space as well.

But why is this oddly shaped?

Engineers say that the overall shape of the building is the result of the transition from the high north wall horizontal to high southern wall vertical, where that project toward the south to increase in height in order to reach the top cover of the surrounding area as well as to allow sunlight Login directly to the inside, and the scheme construction becomes narrower than the south side, to avoid the entry of a lot of sunshine, which could disturb the working atmosphere, as well as providing privacy in the garden and the surrounding houses !!

It does not seem all that from the outside but it certainly is a wonderful place!

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